
What does Grocery mean in Urdu?


When it comes to grocery shopping, understanding the meanings of various terms can be beneficial, especially if you’re trying to find specific fruits and dried fruits. In this article, we will delve into the meaning of “grocery” in Urdu, while highlighting popular fruits like apple, cherries, persimmons, apricots, and the inclusion of dried fruits. So let’s embark on this flavorful journey!


Understanding “Grocery” in Urdu: In Urdu, the term for grocery is “کِرَانہ” (pronounced kirānah), which refers to the collection of food items, including fruits, vegetables, grains, and other essentials found in a typical grocery store.


Exploring Fruits in Urdu:


    1. Apple (سیب): In Urdu, apple is known as “سیب” (pronounced seb). Apples are widely loved for their crunchy texture, refreshing taste, and numerous health benefits. They are often used in desserts, salads, and various culinary creations.
    2. Cherries (چیری): Cherries, those delightful little fruits, are called “چیری” (pronounced chairee) in Urdu. With their vibrant red color and sweet-tart flavor, cherries are a popular choice for snacking, baking, and adding a burst of freshness to beverages.
    3. Persimmons (آملہ): Persimmons, known as “آملہ” (pronounced aamla) in Urdu, are a tropical fruit with a unique taste. Their rich, honey-like sweetness and soft, pulpy texture make them a delightful treat. Persimmons can be enjoyed on their own or used in desserts, jams, and salads.
    4. Apricots (خوبانی): Apricots are called “خوبانی” (pronounced khobani) in Urdu. These small, velvety fruits are known for their tangy-sweet flavor and slightly tart undertones. Apricots are perfect for eating fresh, drying, or incorporating into various recipes like cakes, jams, and chutneys.



Exploring Dried Fruits in Urdu: Dried fruits, known as “خشک میوے” (pronounced khushk mevay) in Urdu, are a popular choice for snacking, baking, and cooking. They provide a concentrated dose of nutrients, intense flavors, and a longer shelf life. Here are some dried fruits commonly found in grocery stores:


    1. Kishmish (کشمش): Raisins, or “کشمش” , are dried grapes packed with natural sweetness. They are often used in desserts, baked goods, trail mixes, and savory dishes, adding a delightful burst of flavor.
    2. Dates (کھجور): Dates, known as “کھجور” (pronounced khajoor) in Urdu, are deliciously sweet and have a chewy texture. They are enjoyed as a healthy snack, added to smoothies, used in desserts, and are a staple during religious festivals.
    3. Prunes (آلوبخارا): Prunes, referred to as “آلوبخارا” (pronounced aaloo-bukhara) in Urdu, are dried plums that offer a naturally sweet and tangy flavor. They are known for their fiber content and are often used in baked goods, stews, and as a natural remedy for digestive health.





Understanding the meaning of “grocery” in Urdu can help navigate the diverse world of fruits and dried fruits. The mentioned fruits – apple, cherries, persimmons, and apricots – provide a variety of flavors, textures, and health benefits. Additionally, dried fruits like raisins, dates, and prunes offer convenient snacking options and versatile culinary uses. So, the next time you venture into a grocery store, armed with this knowledge, you can confidently explore the vibrant world of fruits and dried fruits.

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